DME headquarter moved to Germany from 1-Aug-2023.DME China will be continue to handle logistics and manufacturing.
We also will build some worldwide supply chain to provide more flexible services.All sales issues will handled by our German company from 1-Aug-2023.
The shiping and customs clearance are the same as before, you just need change the company name to GmbH and payment to this name.
All orders if made in China, the logistics and manufacturing are still provide by DME China.
Others will handled by our German company.Thanks for your support!
Here’s our German company's information:
Contact Porson:
MS:Heidi Wagner
MR. Ryan Wang
Company: GmbH
Address:Brockhauser Weg 24
58840 Plettenberg
GF Huayong Wang
HRB 14477 / Gelsenkirchen
Tel.: 02391 /149 159
Fax: 02391 /149 160
Copyright GmbH
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